Fix My Phone
Please provide your availability and preferences in the next steps, so the organizer can select a suitable date as soon as possible.
Fix My Phone är butikskedjan som hjälper dig få ut mer av din mobiltelefon – längre. Vi erbjuder allt du behöver för att skydda din telefon från skador och om olyckan ändå är framme, står vi redo att laga den snabbt och professionellt.
Are you available?
Provide your availability per date. You can choose from the next options:
- Yes
- Maybe
- No
(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
- Fix My Phone
- Fix My Phone
Who are you?
We need your name and email address to let the organizer know when you're available.
We guarantee your privacy and won't share your personal data with third parties.
Creating an account is not necessary. Do you have an account? Then you can also log in.
Please refer to our privacy and cookie statement for more information on how we handle personal data.