Be Local Marché solidaire - CFL 04/10/2024

Organized by Bob Ritz 11


Please indicate your participation in the next step.


Chers bénévoles,

Nous avons à nouveau besoin de votre aide précieuse pour une mission spéciale !

Depuis maintenant deux ans, les CFL organisent le marché solidaire BE LOCAL, permettant aux associations de vendre leurs produits ou de proposer leurs services en vue de collecter des fonds. Cette année, l'événement se tiendra le vendredi 4 octobre 2024, de 10h00 à 18h00, sous la verrière de la Gare de Luxembourg. Notre stand, bien que sans produits à vendre, proposera un service de nettoyage de chaussures.

Cinq chaises seront à disposition, avec cinq boîtes devant vous où les clients pourront faire nettoyer leurs chaussures.

Nous cherchons donc 5 bénévoles pour chaque tranche horaire de 2 heures.

Dear volunteers,

We once again need your valuable help for a special event!

For the past two years, CFL has been organizing the BE LOCAL solidarity market, where associations can either sell their products or offer services to raise funds. This year, the market will take place on Friday, October 4th, 2024, in the atrium of Luxembourg Station. There will be numerous sales stands, including ours, which won’t sell anything but will offer a shoe cleaning service.

Five chairs will be set up, each with a box in front of you where customers can have their shoes cleaned.

We are looking for 5 volunteers for each 2-hour time slot.


Abelke Wolter Responded
Alma Softic Responded
Catherine Ries Responded
Georges Brandenburger Responded
Giovanna Esposito Responded
Giovanni Ferigo Responded
Marc van Vlokhoven Responded
m Responded
Nozima Abdullaeva Responded
Plosca Marian Severica Responded
Serena Russo Responded

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  • Gare de Luxembourg

When will you participate?

(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris

Fri, October 4, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
4/5 Registrations
  • Catherine Ries
  • Georges Brandenburger
  • Marc van Vlokhoven
  • Plosca Marian Severica
Fri, October 4, 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
5/5 Registrations (No vacancy)
  • Abelke Wolter
  • Giovanna Esposito
  • Nozima Abdullaeva
  • Serena Russo
Fri, October 4, 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
2/5 Registrations
  • Alma Softic
  • Giovanni Ferigo
Fri, October 4, 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
0/5 Registrations
There are no responses yet.


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